Every year at KEGS the IT team work through the summer holiday to perform the essential maintenance to keep the systems and services you need performing at their very best.
This summer is an exceptionally busy summer for the IT team and there will be more disruption than there has been in the past – this is caused by a major upgrade to the core network, which will see a 10Gbps fibre ring installed around the school to provide faster access to resources. We are also installing a new internet connection, new telephony solution and performing general maintenance.
On Monday 23rd July 2018 there will be limited or no service across the entire school. This is while we conduct essential maintenance to upgrade and install the 10Gbps fibre ring. Staff are requested to avoid needing use of the school IT systems on this date. Students and staff will also be unable to use remote access services. While we will try to keep disruption to a minimum, we are expecting several patches of intermittent connectivity throughout the day.
There will be at least two further (brief) interruptions to services later in the summer (before results day) as we bring the new Sports building online and enable service to the new Drama facilities and the Science labs.